If you are currently working for an employer that does not offer the benefits you deserve, Local 292 is looking for members that can bring valued skills, as well as, an increased customer base to not only improve working conditions for all of our members, but continue to provide the highest level of service and quality for our customers.

Please call the Local 292 office at (612) 379-1292 and talk with our Membership Developer. They will explain to you many options, from you personally becoming an IBEW Member, to how the entire workforce at your current place of employment can become a Union Shop and share in the benefits of Union Membership.


Wages and Benefits Comparison

“Free and fair choice to join a Union”


Master of Record non-union shop

Estimate residential and small commercial

Contact Aaron Olson (612) 617-4249 or aolson@ibew292.org

Why Join?

Benefits & compensation

Healthcare and pay that leads the industry.

Industry mobility

Industry mobility from contractor to contractor, using the hiring hall as a resource for the worker.

Holiday and vacation pay

Holiday and vacation pay is standard for every electrician, above and beyond the straight time pay.

Continuing education

Training and continuing education for electricians at a reduced rate at the Minneapolis Electrical Training Center.


  • Journeyman

    Contact IBEW 292 Organizing at 612-379-1292 (St. Cloud 320-253-1292).

  • Master

    Contact IBEW 292 Organizing at 612-379-1292 (St. Cloud 320-253-1292).

  • Low Voltage Electrial Worker

    Contact IBEW 292 LEA Representatives at 612-379-1292.